Dryuary Prep Tip #3: Glad Tidings of Non-Alcoholic Beer

At a recent MM Pond Meeting, a participant shared that Non-Alcoholic (NA) beer had been a lifesaver for him when it came to moderating his drinkings. This isn’t an uncommon sentiment expressed at MM meetings, our members often share their enthusiasm for NA beer. It’s come a long way since the days when O’Douls was the only NA choice on the shelves.

The Pond Meeting participant went on to share how he incorporates his favorite Athletic Brewing beer into his alcohol moderation routine. “I start out with my 2 regular beers and, like most people, I find myself wanting more. This is when I grab my NA beer. The thing is, the effect of the alcholic beer is still working it’s way to peak levels so I’m still getting that warm relaxed feeling and I’m still enjoying that beer taste. By the time I finish the NA beer, the craving is gone.”

Most of us rush right past that warm relaxed feeling as we guzzle our way to intoxication. NA beers give you the chance to slow down and enjoy the glow. The holiday season is the perfect time to sample these NA brews without feeling that your depriving yourself of alcohol completely. Then, when Dryuary rolls around, you’ll already have a favorite or two picked out.

Who knows, you might end up like MM member, Gordon, who decided he liked the taste of NA beer so much and he didn’t miss the effect of alcoholic beer so much he decided he would abstain from alcohol completely for the long haul.

Below is a link to Gordon’s most recent review of NA beers. He takes his research seriously. This is his 3rd update. Since many of these beers are made by companies who also make alcoholic beers and most alcoholic beverage websites require an age check before entering, you will find many of the links in the review will take you to an error page. You will have to go to the homepage of the company and pass that age check first.

Gordon’s NA Beer Review

Hoppy Holidays!

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