Dryuary 2024 Day 1: Welcome to Dryuary 2024-Your Safe Harbor Sylvie felt her potential: for bravery, brilliance, kindness, joy. All of these sails rested on the deck of her ship; […]

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8 Responses

  1. Day 6 for me today. I am responding to the question about my beliefs about alcohol. I grew up in a family whose parents drank daily so I thought that was the norm. Throughout my adult life I did the same but always drank more than one everyday. As I grew older though, I found that the alcohol no longer serves me and am questioning those previous beliefs. My goal is to do this 31 days sober and then drink only occasionally. I already feel better and sleep better after only 6 days

    • Christina, thank you for commenting. If you’d like to move your comment to the Day 6 post, you will find the link over in the sidebar. We are working on this page so that each day’s post shows up here. I’m sorry for the inconvenience. Mary

  2. Physical: Tired, not in great shape, don’t move enough

    Head: Off balance at times, have had headaches which I usually don’t get in the last month

    Eyes: Sore sometimes, look tired

    Complexion: some blemishes

    Heart (If it is concerning you, please contact your medical provider.): Good according to Dr. Yay!

    Tummy: Internally fine, outwardly have extra weight.

    Skeleto-Muscular System: Any muscle aches or injuries? occasional back pain (minor) and foot pain.

    Mental/Emotional: Getting better

    Energy: Low

    Anxiety: High during the holiday month and other concerns

    Outlook: Both hopeful and concerned.

  3. Physical: achy neck, back, knees

    Head: fine

    Eyes: puffy, circles


    Heart (If it is concerning you, please contact your medical provider.): fine

    Tummy: bloated

    Skeleto-Muscular System: Any muscle aches or injuries? back, neck really hurts today, knees

    Mental/Emotional: hopeful, excited

    Energy: normal

    Anxiety: low

    Outlook: good

  4. Physical: Tired. Just got over COVID last week.

    Head: Headache persists.

    Eyes: Glaucoma. Not seeing all that well!

    Complexion: Not bad.

    Heart (If it is concerning you, please contact your medical provider.): Fine, I think!

    Tummy: Lost 8 pounds, no appetite, probably Covid-related.

    Skeleto-Muscular System: Any muscle aches or injuries? I’m old. Everything hurts!

    Mental/Emotional:A tad depressed, to be honest. But then I have chronic dysthymia, so nothing new here.

    Energy: Very low. Going down to exercise shortly. This should help.

    Anxiety: A bit, mostly about my eyesight.

    Outlook: Positive about being a person who mostly doesn’t drink. Negative about my vision. I see my eye doc in a few weeks.

    • Physical: Feeling good. Had a nice walk this morning.

      Head: All good.

      Eyes: Seem fine.

      Complexion: Not too bad. Just started using a CPAP, so struggling a bit with nose irritation.

      Heart (If it is concerning you, please contact your medical provider.): As far as I know all is good.

      Tummy: Feeling good.

      Skeleto-Muscular System: Any muscle aches or injuries? Arthritis in left hand hurts a bit but winter cold is upon us.

      Mental/Emotional: In a very good place.

      Energy: I started Dryuary 5 days ago so energy is much better.

      Anxiety: None.

      Outlook: Bright and positive.

  5. Mary, you are the real deal!

    Thank you so very much for sharing, leading, organizing, fund-raising, Executive Directoring, creative writing and all the myriad things you do to keep MM afloat. And thanks for once again having Dryuary.

    You are saving lives, my friend.

    • Physical: I know I need to be more active and lose weight, but I do feel physically well otherwise.

      Head: good, even after a few drinks last night.

      Eyes: a little watery…

      Complexion: good.

      Heart: good as far as I know.

      Tummy: Pretty good, I think. I have IBS, which has been acting up in recent months because we’ve had some stressful situations, but is better in the last week or two because I have been focusing more on FODMAPs.

      Skeleto-Muscular System: Any muscle aches or injuries? None today.

      Mental/Emotional: lacking motivation recently, minimal depression, working on managing stress and anxiety better.

      Energy: not much energy…

      Anxiety: up and down, I try to practice more mindfulness.

      Outlook: good!

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